Team Cohesion and Awareness
Action Call
Communicate with teammates nonverbally to improve the quality of stealth missions.
2+ Players
5 Minutes per Round
Single Guide
- Ensure every Tracker has enough space to make large motions
How to turn a Code Name into a hand signal euphemism
Have the camper come up with their Code Name.
Create a fast and easy to remember hand gesture that can be performed next to the face. Think about pantomiming the object or action word. For instance if the Code Name were to be “big bear” the hand signal could be claw hands next to the cheeks then widening the hands to show largeness.
Have the camper memorize and repeat it silently.
Create a circle game where the campers have to repeat the camper’s name, code name, and hand gesture and then take turns seeing how many names each one can remember.
Play this game every morning during drop off.