Other names
This is a fast-paced, energetic tag game that keeps everyone engaged and moving.
Evasion, Agility, Wide angle vision, Audacity, Silly fun and laughter
Group size
10-25 players
5-10 min/round
Play area
Grassy field
Extreme (sprinting)
Age range
5+ years
Start formation
Bandanas – one per person, Boundary rope
- Players tripping on obstacles. Make sure the playing area is clear of hazards (brambles, roots, rocks).
- Participants colliding with each other. Emphasize that participants must maintain control of their bodies at all times.
- Set up a boundary (a large rope that everyone can easily fit inside, but isn’t TOO roomy).
- Give each person a bandana and have them “INSTALL” it correctly, meaning: 1) the bandana is tucked into their waistband on one SIDE of their body (not directly on the front or rear of their body); 2) no more than 1/4 of the bandana is tucked inside the waistband (3/4 of it is hanging out); 3) the bandana not tied to anything (like a belt loop); and 4) the hanging part of the bandana is not COVERED by anything such as a T-shirt or jacket. Anything that might cover the bandana should be tucked in, close to the body, with the bandana outside of it.
- Once everyone’s bandana is properly “installed,” invite participants to spread out around the circle.
- When the facilitator says go, everyone tries to pull everyone else’s bandana. If you pull someone’s bandana, you should immediately drop it on the ground at that person’s feet.
- If your bandana is pulled, you should take note of WHO pulled it, go kneel on the ground where your bandana was dropped, re-install your bandana, and watch the person who pulled your bandana. When that person’s bandana is pulled, you’re free to stand back up and resume playing again.
- Play continues until only one person is left or it seems like a good idea to re-start the game.
- People who are kneeling on the ground can’t move their knees (they must stay in the same place), but if someone runs by within range, the kneeling person can pull that person’s bandana, which lets them stand up and resume playing.
- The only difference between Everybody’s It (with the variation described above) and Foxtail is that in Foxtail, players can collect and keep bandanas, use bandanas in their hand to replace a bandana that’s been pulled from their waist, and players on the ground don’t gain their freedom if the person who pulled their bandana has their bandana pulled; they only gain their freedom by grabbing a passing bandana or being gifted a bandana.
- If you don’t have bandanas, the game can be played without them. In the no-bandana version, people use their hands to tag other people’s bodies. This often leads to simultaneous tags. To resolve a situation where two people insist that they tagged each other at the same time, the pair can play rock-paper-scissors to see who wins.