Also known as Bobsled team
The premise of this game is that a mother duck needs to move three or four baby ducks across a busy road. In order to avoid being hit by a car, the ducks need to be well-trained in how to walk in a line and follow commands quickly. This game will test the baby duck’s ability to listen to and follow commands.
Teamwork, Quick thinking
Group size
Any # players
5-10 min/round
Play area
Any clear area
Med (walking, stalking)
Age range
8+ years
Start formation
- Begin by explaining the premise: the facilitator is the mama duck. Participants are baby ducks. Mama duck needs to move her three or four babies to the other side of a busy street. Ducks often walk in a line, but this mama duck wants to make sure that her babies are extra well trained in line walking (in case they need to suddenly avoid an oncoming car).
- Have everyone get into a group of four people (this also works with groups of three people) and line up with their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them.
- Call out “Ducks ready?” Participants should respond with a loud “Quack!”
- Explain the FIRST command: CHANGE, which means the first person in line goes to the back. Yell “change” a few times so groups can practice.
- Explain the SECOND command: SWITCH, which means the second and third people in line should switch places. Yell “switch” a few times, then alternate between “change” and “switch” a few times.
- Explain the THIRD command: ROTATE, which means everyone should turn in place 180 degrees and face the opposite direction. Alternate between “change,” “switch,” and “rotate” a few times, giving the commands one at a time.
- Then speed up, giving groups of commands in rapid succession (“Rotate, switch, change, switch”). Continue increasing the number of commands so participants have more to remember. Much hilarity and laughing should ensue.
- Optional: give all the groups two minutes to practice on their own. Then resume giving long and complicated strings of commands.
- Optional: explain the FOURTH command: WIPE-OUT, which means leave your group and find a new group.