Also known as Predator/Protector
In the dry season in Africa, watering holes get smaller and smaller as water evaporates, forcing crocodiles and hippos to live in close proximity to each other. A baby hippo would be a tasty treat for a big hungry crocodile. However, as long as the baby hippo is near its mother, it’s safe from the crocodile.
Silly fun and laughter
Group size
Any # players
3-5 min/round
Play area
Grassy field
Med (walking, stalking)
Age range
8+ years
Start formation
Boundary rope
- Players tripping on obstacles. Make sure the playing area is clear of hazards (brambles, roots, rocks).
- People paying too much attention to their mama hippo or crocodile and NOT paying attention to where they’re going and slamming into other people as a result. Emphasize that people should WALK and watch where they’re going.
- Have everyone circle up. Set up a boundary (a large rope that everyone can easily fit inside, but isn’t TOO roomy).
- Describe what happens at watering holes in Africa in the dry season, and how crocs and hippos are forced to live close together.
- Announce that during this game, people can ONLY walk, NOT run.
- Explain that in this game, everyone should think of themselves as a little baby hippo.
- “Look across the circle at someone who is NOT looking at you. Imagine that person is your mama hippopotamus. They are big and strong and fierce and can easily protect you from a hungry crocodile.
- Now look at someone ELSE who is NOT looking at you. That person is a crocodile. They really want to eat you.
- Your mama hippo can protect you from the croc, but only if you keep your mama hippo BETWEEN you and your crocodile.
- When I say go, WALK wherever you need to, within the game boundary, to keep your mama hippo between you and your crocodile.”
- Of course, because each person is a baby hippo while also possibly a mama hippo and/or crocodile to someone else, the result is non-stop group movement and laughter-filled chaos. Let it go on for a few minutes, then have everyone circle up and perhaps play one more round.