Also known as Giants, Wizards, & Elves
A nature-inspired, physically active, team game of Rock, Paper, Scissors
Quick thinking, Leadership, Communication, Audacity, Silly fun and laughter
Group size
Any # players
5-10 min/round
Play area
Grassy field
High (running)
Age range
8+ years
Start formation
2+ lines
Boundary markers
- Players tripping on obstacles. Make sure the playing area is clear of hazards (brambles, roots, rocks).
- Participants colliding with each other. Emphasize that participants must maintain control of their bodies at all times.
- Set up a playing area with two “endzones” – each endzone could simply by two backpacks on the ground that define a line, and behind this line is “safety.”
- Explain that this game involves three animal representations: bear (raise arms overhead and growl), salmon (put palms of hands together and wave hands back and forth in a swimming motion) and mosquito (bring hands together in front of nose, point index fingers forward, and make a buzzing sound). The bear eats the salmon, the salmon eats the mosquito, and the mosquito eats the bear.
- Divide the group into two teams. Each team will decide on which animal they would like to be (bear, salmon, or mosquito), plus a second “back-up” option in case of a tie.
- Once the team has decided on an animal, they line up in the middle of the playing area, facing the other team, with about five feet of space between the opposing lines. The facilitator calls “3, 2, 1, go,” then each team enacts the motion/sound of their first-choice animal and must quickly determine if they’ve won or lost. In case of a tie, teams switch to their back-up option. The winning team chases and tries to tag the losing team; the losing team turns and runs towards their endzone, trying to get behind their “safe” line before being tagged.
- Participants that are tagged join the other team, and the process repeats.
- The goal of the game is to get every person on one team.