To be added
Action Call
Trackers start recognizing and identifying with their teammates.
2+ Players
15 Minutes
Single Guide
- Ensure there is enough space between Trackers for large arm gestures.
Trackers sit in a circle. The guide stands outside the circle and calls, “A great wind blows for everyone who…” and fills in the blank with a statement affecting at least one Tracker. Anyone who identifies with the statement must stand and find a new place at least two chairs/spots away.
Some possible statements:
A great wind blows for everyone with a brother.
A great wind blows for everyone with a rock collection.
A great wind blows for everyone with a pet cat.
A great wind blows for everyone with the star sign Gemini.
- Trickster Wind – This variant requires a circle of chairs. If a large group stands up, the guide can quickly remove one of the chairs from the circle as soon as Trackers stand up and begin moving. The Tracker who doesn’t find a seat in time becomes the leader of the exercise, deciding which “a great wind blows…” statements to make.
- Something in Common – This variant uses the results of each round to sort Trackers into pairs or quartets. When “a great wind blows…” affects just two (or four) Trackers, have them sit out from the game until everyone has a pair or team.