Wide angle vision

Everybody’s It!

This is a fast-paced, energetic tag game that keeps everyone engaged and moving.

Cougar Stalks Deer

In this game, one person acts like a deer grazing in the forest while a bunch of hungry cougars slowly stalk closer, hunting the deer.

Otter Steals Fish

A great blue heron, after half an hour of patient hunting in the river, has just caught a beautiful tasty fish. The heron flies back to its nest to dine. However, a band of hungry otters notices the fish and surrounds the heron’s nest, eager to steal a free meal. The heron must defend its catch!

Monarchs and Viceroys

In this game, a bluejay tries to spot the lone Monarch butterfly among a group of Viceroy “mimics.”


Zoogle is a game that challenges throwing, catching, and balance skills, plus the honesty and integrity of each player. It involves throwing a special stick around a circle of players, with special rules about throwing and catching.


In this game, a secret “frog” will use their tongue to get as many insects as possible before they’re discovered.