

Zoogle is a game that challenges throwing, catching, and balance skills, plus the honesty and integrity of each player. It involves throwing a special stick around a circle of players, with special rules about throwing and catching.

You’re Only Safe If…

This is a tag game with a twist: a facilitator calls out constantly changing prompts that challenge participant’s nature knowledge and physical abilities.

Monarchs and Viceroys

In this game, a bluejay tries to spot the lone Monarch butterfly among a group of Viceroy “mimics.”

Crocs & Hippos

A baby hippo would be a tasty treat for a big hungry crocodile. However, as long as the baby hippo is near its mother, it’s safe from the crocodile.

Otter Steals Fish

A great blue heron, after half an hour of patient hunting in the river, has just caught a beautiful tasty fish. The heron flies back to its nest to dine. However, a band of hungry otters notices the fish and surrounds the heron’s nest, eager to steal a free meal. The heron must defend its catch!

Bats & Moths

Bats’ hearing is exceptional, so that’s what we are going to focus on in this game: using hearing to hunt.

Ducks in a Row

The premise of this game is that a mother duck needs to move three or four baby ducks across a busy road. In order to avoid being hit by a car, the ducks need to be well-trained in how to walk in a line and follow commands quickly. This game will test the baby duck’s ability to listen to and follow commands.

Cougar Stalks Deer

In this game, one person acts like a deer grazing in the forest while a bunch of hungry cougars slowly stalk closer, hunting the deer.

Snake Pit

Imagine you’re in a pit of angry snakes, with each snake poised to attack the others with snake strikes. Last snake alive wins!

Poison Person

This game gets people shaking hands and interacting with each other, while also being on the lookout for the “secret poisoner.”