Self Centering

(Also known as Feeling Self with Self, Guided Meditation)


To be added

Action Call

Achieve a full-body perception of self.



1+ Players

5-15 Minutes

Single Guide


  • No safety concerns


Players take their Hearthstones in hand, sit quietly, and mentally follow the guide’s instructions. The guide takes them through the following steps:

  • Feel your feet in your socks.
  • Feel your socks on your feet.
  • Feel your feet in your shoes.
  • Feel your socks on your legs. 
  • Feel your pants over your legs.
  • Feel your shirt against your back.
  • Feel where jewelry rests against your skin.
  • Feel the hair on your head.
  • Feel your eyebrows on your forehead.
  • Feel your tongue in your mouth.
  • Feel your ears.
  • Try to feel the inside of your head.
  • Feel the space all around you.
  • Feel your Hearthstone in your hand


  • Contextual Text – The guide’s instructions can easily be reordered or adapted for different in-game contexts.
  • Heartless – Omit the Hearthstone’s presence in the game. This can be useful in a situation where meditation or self awareness is the key to obtaining a Hearthstone.